Friday, 11 May 2012


     Notepad as your Digital Diary :You can use Notepad as digital diary and automatically insert date time information for every line you type in notepad. Open a new notepad file (Click Start > Run, type Notepad and hit OK) and type .LOG at the top of the notepad file.
    Notepad as HTML Stripper :Ideally text on webpages is formatted for specific font type, color, size along with other CSS design elements and images. You can rip off text only from any webpage using notepad. Just select and copy text from any webpage and paste in a notepad file which can be saved (without any formatting baggage) for future use.
     Notepad as Printing cost saver :Notepad can come handy when you are printing text laden pages in large quantity. Extending the concept of using Notepad as HTML stripper, you can strip webpages of additional formatting and image using notepad and print more with less usage of ink, paper and money (of course).
    Notepad as HTML webpage creator : Notepad can be used to create your first HTML webpage as stepping stone in the world webpages (and websites). Just type basic HTML tags and save the file with .html extension. Test drive with code in following screenshot:

5. Notepad as Good and Evil script creator :Notepad is a very simple text editor which can be used to create complex script. You can create evil scripts like format of hard drive to useful scripts like PC shutdown, which can be executed with a click of a button.

6. Notepad as Text Replacer :You can use notepad to replace word(s) in essay of text. For example, you want to replace Microsoft’ with Yahoo’ in specific text file. Copy the text into notepad file and use Ctrl + H (or Edit > Replace), enter Microsoft in first text field and Yahoo is second text field and click the replace button.
7. Notepad as Window Explorer Skipper Sometimes specific files cannot be deleted. You can try notepad to skip and bypass Windows Explorer to delete such files. Open Notepad, GOTO File > Open. Select all files’ in file type dropdown menu. Now browse to folder and right click on file you want remove and click the delete option. Sometimes, this might come handy!

8. Notepad as Fun app :Notepad isn’t that simple and has its share of flaws. Open Notepad and type this app can break and then save the file. Open the file and see for yourself notepad just broke something!

9 Notepad as creative designer tool Notepad can break things (i.e. text) sometimes but it can also create some impressive text based designs. Like open your notepad, type Q33N and then format font size 72px, font type WingDings. See the screenshot below, 9/11 plan crash remember?

Add Notepad to the WinPack menu

Reading the WinPack manual, which is downloadable as a PDF file from, you find around a dozen references to using Notepad. On Page 100 you discover that it is possible to add links to external programs to the Files menu of WinPack. Here's how to add Notepad:
  1. Open a new file in Notepad
  2. Enter the following text
  3. Windows Notepad
  4. Save the file as NOTEPAD.XTR in the WinPack directory.
  5. If WinPack is currently open, close it.
  6. Open WinPack. Click on the File menu. An entry for Windows Notepad should be there. When you click on it, an instance of Notepad should start.
Even cooler, you can add a button for Notepad on the WinPack Button bar by adding the following line to the NOTEPAD.XTR file:


You will have to find an appropriate icon. I found some good free icons at - Icons - Textfile 2 and downloaded 62.ico. If you do that, save the icon file to your WinPack\ICONS directory. Then change the line in the NOTEPAD.XTR file to read:


and save the file. The next time you open WinPack, you will find a button to the right of the regular buttons. Click it and Notepad will open. Magic!
You can find lots of other cool things for Winpack at besides the manual. For example, there's a collection of almost 200 add-ins for the program.

A useful program

Notepad is useful for collecting and keeping all sorts of information. For example, whenever you find useful information on an Internet site, simple copy it and paste it into a Notepad file. [You can also do this with messages received or procedures you are performing in WinPack.]

Some Keyboard Shortcuts for Notepad

Effect Keyboard Shortcuts
Move cursor to the beginning of the line currently on. Home
Move cursor to the end of the line currently on. End
Cursor up one line. Up
Cursor down one line. Down
Scroll up one screen. PageUp
Scroll down one screen. PageDown
Scroll left one screen. Ctrl + PageUp
Scroll right one screen. Ctrl + PageDown
Scroll to the top of the document. Ctrl + Home
Scroll to the bottom of the document. Ctrl + End
Move left one word. Ctrl + Left
Move right one word. Ctrl + Right
Starts a new line or moves text after cursor down. Enter
Deletes one character that cursor is on or currently selected text. Delete (Del)
Deletes one character before the cursor. Backspace
Pastes contents currently on clipboard. Ctrl + V
Using shift in combination with any of the above scrolling or moving commands will select/highlight text, such as Ctrl + Shift + Right. Shift
Copies currently selected text into Clipboard. Ctrl + C
Cuts the currently selected text into Clipboard. Ctrl + X
Find text. Ctrl + Q + F
Repeat last search. F3
Displays help. F1

Some Other useful Keyboard Shortcuts - applicable to all versions of Windows since Windows 95

Effect Keyboard Shortcuts
Switch between running applications: Press Tab repeatedly while holding Alt.
Open the Start Menu: Press Ctrl - ESC.
Tab (move from one control to another) in reverse: Hold Shift while pressing Tab.
Switch among running programs: Press Alt - TAB
Send the active window to the back: Press Alt - ESC.
Capture the current window to the Clipboard as a graphic image: Press Alt - PrntScrn
Capture the entire screen to the Clipboard as a graphic image: Press CTRL - PrntScrn
Move to the next tab in a tabbed dialog box: Hold Ctrl while pressing Tab.
Send the focus to the menu: Press Alt by itself. Then use the cursor keys to navigate.
Expand all the directories in a branch in Explorer: Select the desired branch in Explorer, and press * (the asterisk key). If Desktop is selected, all directories in all drives will be expanded.
Right-click (display an object's context menu): Make sure the desired object has the focus, and press Shift-F10.

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